
Goals And Features "Undergraduate"

Department's Undergraduate Educational Goals:

1. Follow social trends and build social care.
2. Cultivate problems seeking and design thinking ability.
3. Mastering Design implementation and acquiring Design decision ability
4. Explore technology trends and sparking motives for active learning.

Undergraduate Program Features:

Department’s student admissions are divided into “Interactive Media Design” group and “Digital Game Design” group. Comprehensive professional compulsory and elective courses, implementing hands on and practical learning concepts.
1. Equal importance to theories and practices
2. Wide variety of faculty specialization, numerous exceptional industry expert lecturers, providing rich designing practice experiences
3. Grouping lectures, maximizing one on one instruction, lifting student learning
4. Off-campus internship as a compulsory course, deepening student’s understanding of the design industry and the trend of technology application
5. Regularly host International Design Camps, encouraging students to engage international exchange and boarding their global perspective.